You Are the Dynamic Innovation!

by | Sep 22, 2016

This week’s Awake at Work micropractice “You Are the Dynamic Innovation” brings your attention to the creative impulse of life that is alive and moving in this moment.  It reels your focus in from past patterns and a fixed future and places you in the exhilarating and dynamic moment where you become awake, aware and new. What wants to be created now and now and now?  Who are you now?  What new response to life’s invitation are you ready to make?

As we become more present to the creative impulse of life we discover how to continuously innovate and “update” ourselves to meet each moment with openness and curiosity.  When we drop the illusion that we have control over life we become available to the inspiration and insights that that are the source of innovation itself.  We become the place and space where creative emergence and dynamic innovation unfold.

“The story that we all live is the cycle of creation and destruction, of control and letting go, of picking up the pieces and making something new.” — Julie Burstein

How can you become the place where dynamic innovation occurs?  How can you cultivate and tend the soil where new ideas are planted and sprout?


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