Meditation Summit

by | May 31, 2016

Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.

Thich Nhat Hanh

With so many entry points into the world of meditation and so many obstacles to practicing in our daily lives, it’s no wonder many of us need more guidance and support in order to sustain and deepen our practice.  That’s why Sounds True is bringing together 30 of the world’s leading meditation teachers in one place.

Throughout the Meditation Summit, you’ll have the opportunity to learn with the world’s most respected teachers from both sacred and secular traditions. You’ll be able to dive into the approaches that may work best for you, learn how to sustain a practice in your daily life, and explore the next steps for bringing more depth to your current practice.

Over the course of 10 days, 30 meditation teachers from diverse traditions will be offering teachings and guided meditations to help you deepen and expand your own practice. It all starts on Tuesday, June 14, with presentations by Reggie Ray, Tara Brach, and Richard Miller. I’ll be speaking on June 19th on Awake at Work: Mindfulness for Connection, Creativity, and Collaboration in the Workplace.  I hope you’ll join me for the summit as we deepen our practice and celebrate our connection to ourselves, others and life!

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